
It´s for the thrill and the

exciting discoveries

with you

Armin Kraemer Consulting

Appointment Booking                Order Handling           Motorcycle Hand Over

Management Assistance                Service Advice                                         Workshop Organisation

Greenfield Planning

We plan for and with you, your Motorcycle  Business from scratch to running operation for the work flow and all background operations.


We calculate all aspects from workshop lifters to warehouse and many more key figures to make sure your business will go into a successful future.


We install on site all we planned together with you and make sure all staff team members are where they belong to.e


Strategy & Volume

Knowing your potential in the market we create the right strategy to grow and make sure the turnover benefits all stakeholders.

-     Increasing profitability in service up to +15% and avoid repeated workshop visits for customers

-     Pragmatic sharpening of customer orientation among all employees

-     Optimized workflow processes in management, administration and workshop

-     High frequent abroad assignments for up to 3 months

-     On site thorough action plans developed and successfully completed

-     Author of the manual "Structure and procedure of assignments at BMW Motorrad importers and dealers"

-     Responsibility for warranty issues and processes

     Active sales increase through new after sales packages

-     Regular on-site support for importers in Latin America

-     Organisation of After Sales Manager conferences and trainings

-     Supplier selection and agency steering for RSD Web-Based Training

-     Business audit with analysis of key service figures / KPI

-     Planning, implementation and optimization for sustainable service quality

-     Development and implementation of the BMW Motorrad warranty training

-     Escort training for authorities, royalty and presidential guards

-     Increased 5% in Gross Profit at dealerships in the German market

-     Established interface connections for dealer management systems

-     Leader for Pre-Delivery-Inspection of up to 100 authority vehicles

-     Planning support for new importers and dealers

-     Disciplinary responsibility for 30 employees

-     Independent installation of 3 additional new sites

-     Comprehensive process monitoring at 6 locations

-     New development and sustainable implementation of bonus system

-     Active IT support for applications in the application program

-     Effective restructuring of team responsibility per location

-     Developed and proactively implemented a stable quality standard

International Motorcycle Business Experiences

Australia / Costa Rica / Cyprus / Ecuador

Great Britain / Guatemala / Italy / Iran

Japan / Jordan / Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Korea / Kuwait / Lebanon / Malaysia

Mexico / Nigeria / Oman / Panama

Philippines / Portugal / Spain / South Africa

Turkey / United Arab Emirates / Venezuela







@ BMW Motorrad

     25  New and Running Dealership Business Consulting     

     12  Importers Growth Coaching

     9   Subsidiaries Motorrad Manager Support

     8  Sample Dealer Setups for Local Dealers

     36  Countries travelled with and for BMW dealers

ArminKraemer ©2024

Over 10 years international BMW Motorrad business development experience

Latin America After Sales Delegate

BMW Motorrad After Sales Manager

Green Field Planning and on site support for Dealerships

Make dealers profitable by changing, improving and calculating, and coaching

250 International After Sales Projects

36 Countries  up to one Month´s On Site Consulting